Is your garden’s soil like a forest full of squirrels?

A forest with only squirrels is not a healthy forest!

Just as a healthy forest needs foxes, owls, bobcats, and snakes, healthy soil needs a balanced  diversity of microbes
Healthy garden plants require healthy soil. Unfortunately most organic garden soils are about 95 % bacteria. This is because most commercial composts are also 95% bacteria. Most organic gardeners also add excessive amounts of nitrogen to their soils. Continually adding bacterial foods and poor compost to your garden perpetually re-creates unhealthy soil. This causes many problems for your plants, for you the gardener, and for our planet earth.


Weeds love bacterial soils.

More work for you. less food for your plants

Pests and soil pathogens love bacterial soils.

Flea beetles, aphids, powdery mildew, etc. etc. etc. the list is endless.

Plant nutrition suffers

Plants are not strong enough to defend themselves from disease.

The earth suffers

Stable soil carbon is not sequestered. Bacteria blows off CO2.


Weeds don’t grow as much

If they do grow a little, they will be sickly and not take soil nutrients from your vegetables

Pests and soil pathogen have no place

Healthy soil produces plants with strong immune systems.

Such plants naturally and effectively repel insects and soil pathogens of all kinds.

Plant nutrition is abundant

When plants are healthy they nourish your life.

Healthy vegetables mean better flavor and more vitamins and nutrients for you and your family.

  Healthy soils are good for the planet.

Healthy soil contains lots of beneficial fungi.

Soil fungi will turn your vegetable garden into a carbon sink instead of a source of CO2 pollution.


First We Test

We conduct a thorough microscopic analysis of your soil’s microbial biomass

Then We Inoculate

Once we have a picture of your particular soil’s health, we then add the necessary microbes which will restore balance to your soil’s ecosystem. We do this by extracting soil organisms from our specially made compost. We make compost that is ecologically complete. It is not bacterially dominated and contains healthy numbers of fungi, protozoans, and nematodes, as well as beneficial bacteria.

These applications take the form of soil drenches and sprayed teas.

We Repeat the Process

We will repeat the process of testing and inoculating until your soil has reached the optimum ratios of soil organisms for your particular crop or crops.

For more detailed information and data please refer to the links section on our non profit website.

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