We are lab technicians and consultants associated with the Soil Food Web School, under the direction of Dr. Elaine Ingham. Soil Food Web School


Spero Latchis came to soil regeneration work via the route of natural medicine. For nine years he and his partner Robin Jameson operated a free homeopathic clinic in Himalayan India, Upon discovering that the only available produce was heavily sprayed with extremely toxic chemicals, he land Robin leased 2 acres of very unproductive farm land. He was immediately confronted with heavily compacted clay soil that received 12 ft of rain every summer.  After studying the work of Dr. Elaine Ingham Spero was able to transform the heavy clay into productive soil. Soon Shri Farm was able to supply delicious organic produce to the local market. In 2017 he and Robin moved to Maine and founded the non-profit Living Soil Network. In 2022 he began making ecologically complete commercial compost with the new Living Soil Company, and today consults on projects in the New England area. 

Spero is a certified Soil Health Consultant associated with Dr. Elaine Ingham’s Soil Food Web School. His extended bio can be found at Spero's Bio